February 2017
MTBcamps welcomes riders all year around, check out our riding packages at www.mtbcamps.eu or send us your inquiry how you like your bike holiday spent in sunny Portugal mtbcamps@gmail.com News: Best way to discover authentic and hidden places from the main roads in a foreign country is on your mountain bike. The dirt roads and single tracks take you places where cars don’t and you get there faster than on foot. If you are looking for an untraditional holiday in Portugal, then mountain bike camp is one great option. Wish to come for a ride, contact us! www.mtbcamps.eu mtbcamps@gmail.com MTBcamps ootab sõitjaid aastaringselt, pakutavaid laagripakette vaata www.mtbcamps.eu või saada meile oma soov, milline võiks olla sinu rattareis mägises Portugalis, aadressile mtbcamps@gmail.com Uudised Parim viis, avastada autentseid ja peateedest kaugemal, peidetud kauneid kohti välismaal olles, on seda teha oma maastikurattal. Kruusateed ja singlid vii